True-false task 1. (AL-RC)

 True-false task:

Read the text and the statements about it. Check A, if the statement is correct and B, if the statement is false.
M7. The agenda for the meeting was available to the general public.
M8. Everyone voted in all the discussions mentioned.
M9. The meeting was about new routes for public transport in Santa Barbara.
M10. The Transit Board will help collect toys for the poor.
M11. The Transit Board may feature in a TV commercial in the future.
M12. The Transit Board has been rewarded for improving the image of the city.
M13. The Transit Board recommends making the Calle Real property safer.

Minutes of the Metropolitan Transit District Board of Directors Meeting

1. Call to Order
Chair Rogers called the meeting to order at 8:30 AM.

2. Report Regarding Posting of Agenda
Daisy Evans, General Manager, reported that the agenda for this meeting was posted at the MTD administrative headquarters, and mailed to the media for general circulation.

3. Approval of Prior Minutes
Chair Rogers noted that there is an error on item #5 of the April 14 Board minutes. Director Houlton moved to approve the minutes for the meeting of April 14 with the necessary correction to item #5. Chair Rogers seconded the motion. The motion passed. Vice Chair Martin and Secretary Stocks abstained due to their absences from the April 14 Board meeting.

4. Public Hearing Regarding Fare Structure for Valley Express Service
General Manager Evans reported to the Board MTD staff recommendations for fare and pass structure for the Valley Express Service, which included an option “A” and “B”.
General Manager Evans introduced Jeb Waters. Mr. Waters stated that he commutes to Santa Barbara from Santa Ynez twice a week and commented that he is looking forward to utilizing the new service. He also commented that the proposed fare looks good, but with his schedule hopes that the MTD Board and staff might consider a 40-ride pass along with the proposed 10-ride pass.
Director Houlton thanked Mr. Waters for his comments and moved to close the public hearing. Vice Chair Martin seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.

5. General Manager Report
General Manager Evans announced that MTD is participating in a toy drive for PAL (Police Assistance League). Toy bins will be placed at the Transit Center and at employee areas at MTD for distribution to local needy families.
General Manager Evans invited the Board to appear in an upcoming MTD “Happy Holidays” spot that will air on Univision.
General Manager Evans invited Don Caitlin, Manager of Transit Development and Community Relations, to update the Board on an award received by the Santa Barbara Downtown Organization. The Tourism Star Award is part of an ongoing program to acknowledge individuals or organizations that help promote Santa Barbara as a premiere tourism location. One of the contributing factors during the selection process was the success of the Waterfront Shuttle as a tourism icon.

6. Recess to Closed Session-Calle Real
The Board met in closed session pursuant to Government Code §54956.8, conference with real property negotiators regarding the MTD Calle Real Property.
The Board instructed staff to contact the County of Santa Barbara regarding securing the Calle Real property, by having a portion of the property posted as soon as possible.

7. Adjournment

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